Úvod » Prezentace předmětů » Anglický jazyk » Projekty » Nový školní rok zahájila 4Lj s Active English Week

Nový školní rok zahájila 4Lj s Active English Week

AEW – týden s rodilým mluvčím – hned první týden školního roku byl tak trochu experiment. Lyceum má před sebou velmi náročný poslední ročník studia. Absolvuje dva týdny praxe, musí odevzdat a následně obhájit (v případě jazykové specializace v anglickém jazyce) maturitní práci a samozřejmě stihnout vše potřebné k maturitním zkouškám. Začít poslední ročník intenzivní jazykovou přípravou ale byla dobrá volba. Přečtěte si bezprostřední dojmy studentů.
Ing Renata Křečková

I  think the course with Kate was a great benefit for all of us. She organized her lessons very well she made us laugh very often. We tried how to cooperate with each other, we played a lot of educational and knowledge games, did quizzes, competitions.
The think I loved most the lesson where we spoke about different accents in England. We watched some videos and it was pretty funny.
There was always time for our questions although they were out of the topic. Kate was a good friend to us and I love her job!             V.D.

Our Active English Week was nice. We learned and played games. We know some
new information about sports, foods, countries …It was great 🙂    M.D.

Hi teacher, active week was amazing, Kate was unbelievably nice and so
smart, she told us many interesting facts about England! Love the way she
communicated with us, so much games and so much fun, an awesome week!    A.P.

It was just awesome. I learned a lot and I didn´t even feel like learning.         I.K.

It was really pleasant, playful and helpful beggining of the school year.
Great opportunity to get some new information and to practise our language
skills. I appreciate Kate´s  work 🙂            K.H.

I think that I can speak in the name of all people, who were there. So our English week was great. I enjoyed every game we played. I liked the way of communication and the atmosphere. Our teacher was funny and smart. I am satisfied.   Š.S.

I think it was very good experience, not boring and my opinion is that everyone has enjoyed it! The games we played were funny too… AND.

The English course was really fine, we had a great time and have learnt many new things.    M.F.

It was very interesting. I was a little afraid, because I am  very shy about speaking in foreign language. But it was really great and now I am much better at English language. M.L.

I was really suprised, I stayed concentrated all lessons.All week was very exciting and so funny.     J.O.

I think, that it is very funny, good for my  English. I enjoyed it! I have learnt a lot. The games were interesting.  B.T.

This was very good experience for me. I learned a lot new words and sentences for example new idioms. I really enjoyed it, because we played games too.     K.Z.